**************************************************************************** Phil's IPS Files & SFHack FAQ by Joel the Cat V.10.4.98 **************************************************************************** The latest version of the FAQ can always be found at: http://members.tripod.com/~Sfpwxs/ or at http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/jarrett/53/sfpmain.htm **************************************************************************** Update History 10.4.98 Corrected info on Battle Royal Non-Lumberjack Mode, added template creation info. Added making quick text files, added how to unlock an SRAM 10.2.98 Started FAQ CONTENTS I. IPS file usage II. SFHACK.EXE usage III. Credits NOTE: This FAQ assumes you have a basic knowledge of DOS; for example, how to change directories... **************************************************************************** SECTION I: IPS File Usage **************************************************************************** The ZIP file IPS.zip available from http://members.tripod.com/~Sfpwxs/ contains the following IPS files (also listed is what they do): fixhead.ips does: fixes Sakaguchi's head and any other exploded heads ml-1.ips makes the moves list much much more expanded msg-1.ips makes an introduction mode,and translates some menus nl-joe1.ips translates with original fake names, and color* nl-jon1.ips translates with original fake names, no color* nl-jre1.ips translates with real-life names, and color* nl-jrn1.ips translates with real life names, no color* Now included with the new sfhack-2.zip are patches to revert to the way things were before. ml-orig.ips does: gets rid of the new moves in the moves list msg-undo.ips gets rid of the introduction mode nl-undo.ips converts the translation back to Sydra's * All four of these patches translates to english the Japanese locale names of moves and wrestlers.. in other words, if the Japanese programmers were to release the game in english, this is the names of the moves they would pick. Therefore if a move name is not what we are common with, it is because Phil(the patch creator) wanted to recreate what the programmers intended in his translation. Other patches may follow which "Americanizes" the ROM to names we are more familiar with. Patches that list color colorizes move names by the move type. In the moves list, and in CPU Logic, the following color code applies: Red moves illegal Blue moves pinning Orange/Yellow moves submission Q) How do I apply these IPS patches? In order to assure that these patches work properly, your ROM must be in .fig format. If your ROM is an .SMC file or other; please download the program UCon (available on the Fire Pro Project download page). This program is also used to apply the IPS patches, and is referred to through out this FAQ STEP I: ROMs are transferred through out the net in many formats, in order for the patch to work, your rom must end in .fig If your rom ends in .smc or in .swc, you need to convert it to .fig using Ucon. If your ROM is an FIG file already, you can skip to Step 2: If your ROM is in SMC format type in: ucon y name of rom.smc where name of rom is the name of your ROM (common names are s.smc, sfp.smc, or sfpwxs.smc) If your ROM is in SWC format type in: ucon w name of rom.swc where name of rom is the name of your ROM After completing this step, your ROM name would be: name of rom.fig where "name of rom" is the old name of your ROM STEP II: Applying the patches Please first make sure that the IPS patches, the ROM and Ucon are all in the same directory! Choose which patch you want to apply, then patch the ROM using this basic format: ucon i (name of your ROM) (name of patch) For example to apply the English translation patch with real names and color (NL-JRE1.IPS), to the Super Fire Pro ROM sfpwxs.fig.. type in: ucon i sfpwxs.fig nl-jre1.ips The ROM is now translated to english, with colorized moves. Most likely you'll want to expand the moves list, add introduction mode, translate the ROM and fix the exploded head. If this is the case, you'll use patches FIXHEAD.IPS, NL-JRE1.IPS, ML-1.IPS, and MSG-1.IPS See above for a brief description of what each patch does. This section will be expanded as other questions arise; or new patches are released ************************************************************************** SECTION II: SFHack Usage ************************************************************************** This FAQ will provide detailed information on how to perform common operations in SFHack. There are many more functions not detailed in this FAQ; provided in the SFHack.txt file is the general format for performing operations in SFHack Disabling Lumberjack Mode in Battle Royals -------------------------------------------------------------------- To make it so you can leave the ring in Battle Royals, the basic command line is: sfhack dsv (SRM name) 2 12 0 When you enter the game again using the SRM name you typed in this line, you will be able to leave the ring in battle royals. For example, to turn off lumberjack battle royals in joelcat.srm, type in: sfhack joelcat.srm 2 12 0 Joelcat.srm now has been unlocked for Battle Royals that can leave the ring. If the match ends in a countout, whether it be a single countout or double the match will be declared a draw. To ensure this doesn't happen, it is recommended you turn count out's off. Other potential causes of problems is camera views- with four wrestlers brawling, it is common to become lost off screen. Nothing can be done to prevent this except good judgement. Copying characters from one SRAM to another -------------------------------------------------- Use the command line: sfhack scs (destination SRM) (dest. SRM slot) (Source SRM) (Source SRM slot) For example, to copy the character slot #1 in joelcat.srm (mine) to slot 25 in adamecw.srm (Adam ECW's SRM>, enter: sfhack scs adamecw.srm 25 joelcat.srm 1 Keep in mind this will overwrite whomever is in slot 25 in the destination SRM. Quickly making a Text File Listing Your SRM Characters ------------------------------------------------------ To take the characters in an SRM and make a text file listing them, type: sfhack scc (srm name) > (TXT file name) For example, to dump the characters from my SRM, joelcat.srm to a text file named joelcat.txt, type in: sfhack scc joelcat.srm > joelcat.txt In the same directory as sfhack, there would now be a text file named joelcat.txt with a listing of all the characters in joelcat.srm. Copying characters to templates instantly ----------------------------------------- The command line for this very cool task is this: sfhack spf (Name of SRM) (Slot # of wrestler) sram-ex.htm > (template name) Confuse you? Hope not. Example time! Let's say I want to make a template for Diamond Dallas Page in joelcat.srm Diamond Dallas Page is in slot 25 in joelcat.srm; I want to make an HTML template named ddp.htm. I would type in: sfhack spf joelcat.srm 25 sram-ex.htm > ddp.htm The file Sram-ex.htm MUST be in the same folder as sfhack for this to work. If it is in the "templates" subfolder, copy it over. Sram-ex.htm is not the only template you can use; until others are created this one works quite well. How to take Individual SRM Characters and Make them Downloadable ---------------------------------------------------------------- One of the most exciting features of SFHack makes the template format not needed. If a visitor to your site sees a character he likes, and uses the SFHack program, he can download a small file called a module then transfer the guy to his SRM. Let's say a visitor to my site; whom we'll call "Adam" likes my Rob Van Dam. He wants him in his SRM, and on my site, I have posted a module file containing him called "rvd.sfp". Adam would download the file to the folder he uses to house his Super Fire Pro stuff, then use SFHack to transfer the character into his SRM of choice Let's go through this process; first I'll describe to get guys into a "module file"; then I'll explain how to revert a module character into an SRAM character. To get a character into a module, the command line is as follows: sfhack mcs (SRAM name) (Slot #) "Name" "Suit" "Creator" (Module name) 0 Where it says "Name", "Suit", and "creator", replace the words (keep the quotation marks) with the name, suit, and creator, respectively. For Example... I want to make the module I mentioned before for my Rob Van Dam... my SRAM name would be joelcat.srm; my slot number would be 24 (RVD is saved in slot 24 in my SRAM), where it says "Name" I would replace "Rob Van Dam", where it says suit, I would describe his suit and say "White Blue and Yellow", where it says creator, I would put my common online name "Joel the Cat", my module name would be rvd.sfp, and at the end I would put 0 as I am saving him in module slot 0. My command line would look like this: sfhack mcs joelcat.srm 24 "Rob Van Dam" "White Blue and Yellow" "Joel the Cat" rvd.sfp 0 As you can see in this FAQ this line is long and went over to the next one; this most likely will happen in DOS also, don't worry if you see you are typing on a new line, just continue and press enter at the end. After typing in the proceeding line, I have a module file named rvd.sfp I upload it to my website; Adam sees it, and wants him in his SRAM ;-) This is the basic command line that takes a module characters and puts him in an SRAM slot: sfhack scm (module name) (module slot #) (SRAM name) (SRAM Slot #) In our example the module name would be rvd.sfp, the module slot number 0, the SRAM name would be Adam's SRM- which we'll just call... "adamecw.srm", and the SRM slot number would be the slot that Adam has free or wants to overwrite, which we'll say is number 30. Adam would type in: sfhack scm rvd.sfp 0 adamecw.srm 30 This would copy Rob Van Dam to slot 30 of his SRAM. Did I lose you yet? I hope not... boy do we need a front-end program. ;-) Modules are not limited to one character; it is possible to save a group of characters to one module file. I will not document this however, as all transferring of characters from module files (.sfp) to SRAM files must be completed one at a time anyhow. How To Unlock All the Stuff You Get When You Beat the Game in an SRM -------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't feel like beating the game to get 100 character points and the extra characters? SFHack has a shortcut. sfhack gha (SRAM name) Replace (SRAM name) with the name of the SRAM you want to "unlock". For example, unlocking the game in joelcat.srm would be done by typing sfhack gha joelcat.srm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a lot more things that can be done with SFHack; however as of right now, experimenting is key.. I have provided how to do basic stuff, and have purposely left out options that provide functions you can do on your own within the game. More things to come in the section.... *************************************************************************** SECTION III: Credits *************************************************************************** Phil- the maker of SFHack... your work will not be for nothing, THANKS Sydra- creator of the original translation patch; which was hard work Kagura- creator of 6 Men Scramble Translations- he is GREAT Chip- WebMaster of SFHack; he works hard and puts up with my ramblings Anyone else who can help me document functions.. please contact me at sfpwxp@aol.com PLEASE DO NOT SEND QUESTIONS TO THAT NAME, THEY WILL BE IGNORED. Visit http://members.tripod.com/~Sfpwxs/ for the latest patch. If you feel something is explained poorly or needs further explanation, contact me at joelthecat@usa.net ==================================End of File==============================